The Unseen InfluenceIn the dance of relationships, a big part of what influences our experience lies unseen—a silent orchestrator behind the scenes. Amidst...
Ditching the 'Destination' DefaultAmusement parks have always been a favorite getaway for me. I was a lucky kid because my parents were happy to oblige when they could....
Difficult Conversations with Your TeenAll parents know the struggle of needing to broach a hard subject with your teenager. It could be something serious and consequential, or...
The Perils of People-PleasingJeff was everybody's favorite guy--to ask for favors. He picked up the slack at work, volunteered three different ways at church, kept...
Do I Attract Toxic People?Let me start by saying I don't exactly like the term "toxic people". There are certainly toxic attitudes, behaviors, and relational...
Debt and ForgivenessThis time of year has a way of making me think about forgiveness, what it really means, why it's so hard, and why we need it. There are...